Well, the Delmarva show was nothing if not exciting. It seemed like everyone showing had a variety of breeds in both open shows along with a whole group of specialty shows. As an example, angora breeders could show rabbits 3 times in one day. I brought two breeds again and showed them in a total of 5 different shows. Crazy! Donna had 3 breeds and showed them in at least 7 different shows, I think, or there may have been more. I think I lost track of her speeding in many different directions. Thanks to all of the show secretaries that ran the specialty shows, especially Julie and Karen, for all of their hard work!
Rabbit people are the kindest and most helpful of people and many of them helped others to get their breeds up on the tables at the correct time. It was like a whirlwind getting buns where they were supposed to go. Thanks to Katie and Regan. We also had our friend Thevee there to help carry buns. She said something like "Everything goes so fast and is so confusing." We all forget sometimes what it must be like for a beginner.
Anyway, I wore my angora scarf. It is spun from wool plucked from my Delmarva BIS winning bunny from the previous year. It was spun for my by fellow angora breeder, Lori White, and knitted up by my mother. She also added some fringe made from chinchilla angora fiber from one of my first rabbits. You can see it around my neck in the photo above taken by Donna McGraw (official blog photographer). It obviously brought me tons of good luck because after Sweet Pea won Reserve in show "A", she went on to win Best in Show "B". With so many beautiful rabbits up for the top prizes, I was more than shocked when the English Angora was called out both times. I now have a matching pair of directors chairs in my bedroom. Do I hope to make this an annual event? I sure hope so.