The year 2009 has had many ups and downs for me but I can't be more pleased with my show season. My goal this year was to win one open Best in Show with one of my English Angoras. That was reached at the Delmarva show B with a Reserve in Show A. My next goal became winning a BIS or Reserve with an English Angora Buck and/or a Jersey Woolie. Both of these goals happened at the Shenandoah double show. Jersey Woolie Self Senior Doe GC CR Blue Skies won Second Reserve in show A and English Angora REW Senior Buck GC Shepherds Aslin won Reserve in show B. The English Angora Show Season ended with:
8 Grand Champion English Angoras with 5 very close to GC.
2BIS, 2RIS, 12 BOB, 16 BOS, 16 BOV, 7 BOSV winning a total of 44 legs.
I just want to thank everyone for their support and to particularly thank Mr. Bill Miller for selling me some of his most precious Jersey Woolies. The bunnies from him and my breeding with the "King of All" have really made my first official Fall Jersey Woolie Show season start off with an unexpected bang:
3 Grand Champion Woolies and 3 very close to GC.
1 Second Reserve, 8 BOB, 4BOS,7 BOG,11 BOSG winning a total of 18 legs.
Being very unexperienced with showing Woolies, all of these wins were a true surprise to me and totally unexpected. The bunnies made it easy for me as they just love to show as seen by Miss Blue Skies official photo above. You only have to look at her sideways and she does that! No help needed by owner except love and a little brushing.