This has been a really miserable summer weather wise. It has rained or been cloudy almost every other day and now is really, really hot. The Jack Russells seem to enjoy it as they are always cold. But the rabbits are another story. They do not enjoy morning temps that start out at 80*. I have tried a variety of cooling methods this year including frozen bottles, frozen ceramic tiles and a misting system plus the usual fans going non-stop. Yesterday, I pulled out a bunch of large ceramic feed dishes, filled them with ice and sat them in some of the cages. These were enjoyed by all and when they were done laying by them, playing in them, then they drank out of them. Mind you, I only gave these to bunnies who were clipped down for the summer otherwise we would have a a big felted mess. They also enjoyed a light spray of cool water from a spray bottle during the heat of the day. I don't often use air conditioning in my house but the bunnies in full coat are in cold storage with the a.c. running full blast. They share a room with two very old house cats that have been flat out all summer. Monday we are supposed to have a break in the weather, so here is hoping.
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