Thursday, April 15, 2010

Round Ball of Fluff

Shepherds Amber Pearl/top & side view.
Front view.

Top and side view.
Many people ask me to explain the round ball of fluff that the english angora standard calls for. While grooming Amber Pearl for the show on Saturday, the thought dawned on me that pictures can be worth a thousand words. Although she is still growing in her coat, I think she looks just like the round ball of fluff called for in the standard. Very circular in shape and pretty even through out with nice thick density. She is still a little coarse due to the guard hair growing out first and the under wool not yet caught up.
Since she won 1st junior doe at 2009 Nationals in New York, she molted her junior coat so has had a hard time competing with both Caprice and Sweet Pea. Now that they are both almost out of the picture, Amber Pearl can move into the limelight. Her competition is Bouquet (a Sweet Pea half sister) who has a softer coat at the moment. She won BOB at the Long Island Show A. Plus GC Shepherds Angel Cake is still holding her own with BOB at the Long Island Show B.
Anyway, I hope that helps to explain what a round ball of fluff looks like to me.


jo ann said...

You have the most beautiful rabbits. Do you any angoras for sale at this time or soon? I live in WV and have been raising and showing for about 6 years or more.

jo ann said...

I can be reached at if you will have any for sale. Thanks so much. Jo Ann