Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas

Grandson Liam and Santa.
My children would never go anywhere near Santa. They just had to see his face and they started crying and crawling up over my shoulder. When I tried the Easter Bunny, nice and soft, fluffy and white, they acted like I was feeding them to the sharks. Forget about any clowns, they were like the worst possible scarry monster. This went on for years and I never have been able to get a photo of them with much of a holiday theme to it. So here is my tiny Grandson, not even a year old yet, giving Santa a huge smile and plopping down right in his lap like the perfect child he is. I guess the Shepherd family holiday terrors are not inherited. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends that I haven't had a chance to catch up with. Hope to have more bunny related things on the blog once I catch up in the New Year. Take care and enjoy your families. I sure am enjoying mine.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pets 101 and BISS

Here are some bunnies lined up for the Animal Planet shoot.
Grooming the angora on video.

Best in Specialty Show.

BISS Bl's Drizzle.
It's been awhile since I have been on the computer. A new job, broken computer and bronchitis has kept me away. Some news is that the Pets 101 finally aired and it was really cute. My son called me and he said" I saw your elbow. Your elbow is famous!" very funny. I was just relieved that the rest of me wasn't shown. It was very cute with lots of bunnies shown including Peter's Minilops, Meg's Belgin Hare and French Lop. My English Angora's Caprice and Amber Pearl and Jersey Woolie's Divine and Hydrangea looked cute, being groomed and eating hay.
Some other news is BL Drizzle, my REW Jersey Woolie doe, won BIS at the JW Specialty Show
at Delmarva. I knew she won BOB but I didn't even realize she won BISS until I got her leg in the mail. She is a very pretty doe that comes from Brandi Loughry in NC. I didn't name her and don't know where the name comes from. It is funny and she answers to it so I don't want to change it. Hope she keeps her coat until Pa. More later,