Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter Blues

Handsome G.C. BIS Sullivan
Beautiful G.C. Andi

The happy arrivals, 3 REW and 1 little black
There is nothing that keeps my mind off the cold than a new litter of baby bunnies. I am so happy to announce the arrival of Andi's litter. We had tried to breed her at Convention with a handsome white buck that Collin owns without success. I think Convention is not the place for romance with bunnies. Andi moved out to the barn and was not happy about it, having spent most of her life spoiled in my laundry room. So, I bred her to Sullivan and it really didn't seem to take but I brought her in anyway. She was so happy that she presented me with 4 beautiful babies right in her nestbox making a great "Carvel" of wool placed just so. Each time I check them, they have full bellies and are covered up, nice and warm.
There is something to be said about good bunny mothers that have their babies in the nestbox, clean them up and cover them with wool. They take care of their babies, feed them and show them the ropes. This isn't always the case with bunny mothers and sometimes it is tragedy for one or two litters until they get the hang of it. Some never get it and the babies have to be fostered to another doe. This is not a trait that I want to pass along and don't breed this doe again. I am glad that Andi is doing so well as the foster bunny didn't have a litter and they would have had to go to a mom with a two week old litter. Although this would work, it wouldn't have been easy. Andi is doing a great job.

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