Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Surprise

Just Born Baby Goat Kid.
Very Tiny Little Boy.

Bellisima showing off her wooly coat.

Shepherds Angel Cake gets fluffed.
While we were at the National Capital Show in Gaitherburg, Md, I got a frantic phone call from home. A new baby goat had been born. I knew the goat was going to have a baby but my husband didn't believe me. Usually the goat babies are born in February, always the coldest day of the winter months. This was a very late baby and I was almost giving up the idea that she was expecting. All the signs were there and look what a cute little boy showed up!
The National Capital show was fun and the weather was perfect for showing, cool and dry but a little too windy. Many of the angoras got a good fluffing right in their cages but the high winds. We had a good time catching up with all the news and talking to everyone. Much to my surprise, Shepherds Divine, my tiny broken black Jersey Wooly doe just 7 months old, won Best of Breed at the first show and BOSV at the second show. She is very cute so I will have to take her photo for the blog. PP's Bellisima is shown right before she won 1st junior doe for her 4th or 5th junior leg. She became a senior today so I hope she continues with her nice coat. Shown above is GC Shepherds Angel Cake being fluffed up by Donna and mother nature. I put Donna to work taking some of her wonderful professional photos of the buns before the are cut down for the summer. Can't wait to see the end result.

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